Citation Audit and Cleanup Service

 Maintain consistency in your business listing all over the web.

What does Citation Audit and Cleanup do for you?

    Stay Updated

    We will skim through the web and replace all the old citations with the new and updated version. Staying up to date with business listings is essential.

    Gain Ownership of  your listing

    We will help you gain ownership of all your business listings in relevant insurance directories and further help you register in new ones.

    Increase your clientele

    A consistent listing will help Google identify you as a trustworthy business and rank you on the first page of the search engine result page.

    Local Citation can either hamper your business or do wonders for your business, depending upon how it is done. Google’s bot travels across the web and compares your business information with the information you have mentioned on your website.

    If there is even the slightest difference in your listing, Google may consider that as separate businesses. For instance, if in some directories your business is listed as “XYZ insurance agency” and in other directories as “XYZ insurance company,” Google will consider you as two separate businesses, and this will negatively impact your ranking.

    Imagine from a customer’s point of view, if you have numerous business listings on the web and they have outdated information, this will hamper your business, and further, you will lose your potential customer. However, with a local citation audit, all the outdated information will be replaced with new ones.

    Why Choose us?

    Our Citation Audit and Cleanup Services are done without using any blackhat strategies. Therefore consistency matters the most to us.
    We understand how difficult it is to close a deal and gain new clients; this is why we will help you find insurance seekers quickly and accurately.

    We at the Insurance Marketing Agency will help you outrank your competition healthily and positively. We believe in delivering the best results and making a connection with our clients.